Wild & Untamed. Undefined & Limitless Potential. Magic & Wonder. Breaking the rules with love, compassion, truth, authenticity. These are the cornerstones for walking Your Path. That, and some really great shoes.
... I took the path less traveled, and it has made all the difference...
And by that, I mean the magical, weird and unapologetically authentic path. I love playing make believe because hey, life is all made up anyway, right? At some point, someone had an idea and created something, be it a house, airplane, pen, or this website. And so, I am making it all up - as I go, walking in faith. I am the woman who walks in faith, who has her feet firmly planted on the ground and I take no shit.
By embracing "make believe," we don’t just pretend—we lay the foundation for the extraordinary. It’s a playful, powerful practice that can awaken our potential and transform how we see and live our lives.
Here we believe in the power of make believe—because what we dare to imagine, we can create. We’re here to help you see beyond limitations, dream boldly, and step into the life you’ve always envisioned.
Whether it’s finding your joy, reclaiming your power, or rewriting the rules of what’s possible, it all starts with this: believe it, and you’ll see it. Let’s make magic happen—together.
A 5 Week Course for Being Unapologetically YOU!
let's make 2025
the year of make believe
for us all
hi there, my name is Donnia
I consider myself a perpetual student of life, walking the path created for me by my soul and the Divine/Source/Universe/God/Goddess.
I am a little Goddess, a little mystic, a little rebel. I have my head in the clouds of imagination, am a little weird, a little love, peace and understanding and a little honest and straightforward and a little crass - I will not bs you.
With over 25 years immersed in Holistic Healing, Spirituality, and The Creative Arts, I see myself as an integral part of the greater whole.
I guide women like you, down your own path of remembering who you are and who your soul came here to be. I know first hand how daunting it can be to go it alone.
Give me a shout with me and see if we are a fit.
Much love, you dreamer you!
Join the Goddess Sister Circle for women who are a little wild, a little crass and a whole lotta magic, every Full Moon.
When You Decide You are the
Woman, Goddess, Empress, Queen,
Warrior, Creative Director, Magician
of Your Own Life, these are Your Outcomes:
freedom to be the true you
crazy freedom from others opinions
trust in yourself
unapologetic assertiveness
mind-blown perspectives of what's possible
calm, peaceful state of being
strong, healthy boundaries
making yourself a priority with zero guilt
awareness of your unlimited potential
safety in your own skin
a brand spanking new operating system
2025: The Art of Being You Presents
The Year of Make Believe
Imagine. Believe. Become.
Group & Private Life Path Coaching
If this is you,
we really must chat...
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
-Steve Jobs
The path less traveled - your personal life path - the only one that can be traveled by you:
Self-reflection & honesty:
The first step is to honestly examine one's thoughts, emotions, patterns and behaviors, identifying areas where self-deception or denial might be present. Because, let's face it - we all get to wade through the bs. We get to do this!
Facing difficult truths: -
This path often involves confronting painful memories, past traumas, or negative patterns that may have been suppressed or avoided. And confronting them with grace and tenacity.
Taking responsibility: -
Accepting one's role in situations and owning personal power to make changes isn't for the faint of heart. It takes guts and chutzpah - which you have in spades. I know, because you're reading this.
Daring to be great: -
Taking a stand for your perspective of the world can mean standing alone. And I am here to tell you - you are not alone - we are out here making it happen and you are welcome to jump in anytime. Water is warm!
Mindfulness & present moment awareness: -
Paying attention to thoughts and feelings in the present moment to identify areas needing attention and promote positive change. The only time we ever have is right now.
Bold Audacity to be yourself: -
Playing small no longer serves you. Actually, it never has and you have this one precious life...how will you show up for it? Answer the call.
2025: The Art of Being You Presents
The Unapologetic Path:
Redefine Yourself,
Rewrite the Rules
A 5 Week Course for Being Unapologetically YOU!
Your Personal Life Path...
when viewed through the perspective of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energy, inspires profound shifts in how we navigate life and answer our unique calling. We are all Divine Leaders. Here's how it speaks to our personal journey:
Balance & Harmony
Shift: From overworking or overthinking to leading with aligned action and inner peace.
Authenticity & Self-Trust
Shift: From people-pleasing or self-doubt to trusting our inner voice and showing up as our true selves.
Purposeful Action
Shift: From reactive living to creating a life rooted in intentionality and sacred purpose.
Listening to the Call
Shift: From resisting challenges to recognizing them as signposts guiding us toward our highest potential.
Courageous Vulnerability
Shift: From fear-based decisions to bold, heart-centered leadership.
Sacred Responsibility
Shift: From self-centered ambition to a soulful commitment to elevate ourselves and others.
I am your coach if...
You'd like to stop giving a sh*t what others think of you
You crave to see a different, more magical and wondrous world
Have that niggling feeling you'd being called to something greater
Community of like-minded women is your thing
You're a square peg trying to fit in to a round hole
Love to learn about who you are and why you're here
Open to seeing things from a new perspective
Desire to leave a legacy of hope for future generations
Are willing and committed to do what it takes - no matter what
Are scared as f*ck and determined to do it anyway
You know being supported will get you results that stick
I am not your coach if...
Are 100% fine with the state of the world today
Like living in your own little bubble
Have no intention of evolving your soul during this lifetime
Have rigid beliefs of how the world - and people - should be
Not committed to living a healthier life
You think you know everything​
The world is craving & ready for you
Stay connected & get engaged with my
FREE Private - Women Only - Exclusive Facebook Group:
Turn pain into action & sensitivity into discernment that can catapult you into the
next chapter of living vibrantly and
on your terms - with my life coaching.
Sanctuary 21
The Immersion is a life changing opportunity for you to take an extra long weekend, or extended stay in a sacred space - to experience yourself in a brand new way. To feel nurtured, loved and held. To receive personalized compassionate and tender care on your way to rebuilding your life - body, mind and soul.
Learn how to use your intuition as your personal GPS and never look for external validation again,
with me as your coach
I am Donnia Anastasia
Life Path Coach. Anchor of Light. Thought Leader. Way-shower. Light-bearer. Coach. Champion. Advocate. Medicine Woman. Holistic Mystic. Divine Feminine Creator. Spiritual Entrepreneur. Master Alchemist. She is the Creator and Founder of The Art of Being You - Transformational Life Coaching Programs. With 25+ years experience in the world of holistic healing, spiritual and creative arts, she empowers women to stand up, speak up and show up fully - for who they truly are what they deserve in life. She believes we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that our souls mission is joy and transformation.
Transformational Life Coaching is about deliberately making choices based on your values, commitments and priorities. She has been divinely called to assist in the evolution of human consciousness through the alchemical process of transforming energy from stagnant to creation, from negative to positive, from fear into love.