When the ego has a death grip on our lives - it's time to make a different choice. Start with my free 90min Masterclass - Register here https://www.donnianastasia.com/masterclass for this lighthearted response to all the ways our ego wants us to stay in our conditioned, cozy and well stocked little boxes.

Join my Oops! I forgot who I am Masterclass for the top 3 Ways to Remember the Magical Unicorn that you came here to be.
In this life of ours - we are not only bombarded with external influences, but we are bombarded every moment with our conditioned self, beliefs and stories that no longer serve us. This is when the ego has a death grip on our words, thoughts, behaviors and it can feel overwhelming.
But wait! What if it could be fun??
You have the power to choose something different and how you respond to yourself. Silly human, working so hard to stay inline, in control. It's time to break free!
In this Masterclass I will share my own story of what it looks like, how it feels and why we must refuse to stay there! It will run away with your joy and your happiness. And that is simply unacceptable anymore! Learn from my personal experience - and let's all have a good belly laugh about ourselves, shall we?
Details in the link - https://www.donnianastasia.com/masterclass